Your Opinion: Identifying truth amid tangle of rhetoric

Dear Editor:

Kudos to Jim Dyke and yes, to Rush Limbaugh also. These folks are brave enough to say it like it is, not like a lot of folks who enjoy basking in the sheltered world of tolerance of any and all ideologically crude and immoral beliefs and then chastise those who speak out against it.

It seems to me that most Christians today are so comfortable in their protected church environments that they have no idea how all our freedoms came to be. It is unbelievable to me that they can be so naïve to think that this privilege came without any unkind words! I don't know about you, but if there aren't more unkind ("hateful" for all you liberals) words of truth to turn our culture around then we may be back where we were 350 years ago. Back then the Pilgrims had a new world to escape to, but where can we go if our culture continues to deteriorate.

It's bad enough that we have the Bob Boldts in this world with his constant rant against anything Christian, but we also have the liberal Christians whom I feel contribute to the same immorality in the name of "love" by chastising anyone who has the courage to speak against tyranny and/or immorality. We also now have a mainstream media that has abandoned real journalism for the financially lucrative position of protection and enabling tyranny and immorality.

How can anyone believe that Christianity has survived the centuries without any unkind language or confrontational actions? I live in the real world (Rush calls it "literalville") and believe me, a lot of folks endured a lot of death, destruction and yes even some "hateful" language to get to where we Christians can just worship. I can't say whether all the actions and rhetoric required for the creation of this great country were always sanctioned by God, but I think the results speak for themselves. Now, after all our founding fathers went through to give us what we have, shouldn't we applaud those who speak out against the tyranny and immorality that's consuming us and destroying all they suffered to accomplish?

God bless Jim Dyke and Rush Limbaugh for their perception of the truth, their ability to expose the truth through their talents and God's placing them in positions where they can spread the truth through a jungle of destructive leftist liberal rhetoric.

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