Your Opinion: Romney must disclose finances

Dear Editor:

Governor Romney went on a long diatribe recently about how President Obama said that he hadn't made his money on his own. The president is right. The self-made man/woman is a myth. Yes, Romney has worked very hard to make his millions but he did not get there by himself.

We taxpayers financed his success in large part. We provided the police to keep Romney and his family safe. We provided the firefighters and EMTs to be on the scene if needed. We paid for the roads and highways on which he drives. We pay for the inspectors who insure safe food and medicine for his daily use. We paid much of the education for people that made the textbooks he used and the technology he uses today. We pay for the sanitation workers that carry out his trash each week and waterworks that provide his clean drinking water each day. We paid this support so he could go ahead and make his millions.

We don't begrudge his success. Lots of people have money they have earned in many different ways but there is business and there is ethical business. We have a right to know just how Romney made his money. He is no longer trying to be competitive in the private sector he is running for president. We have a right to know why he shelters money off-shore instead of paying his just taxes.

When President Obama chose cabinet members the GOP railed at them if they missed paying their appropriate tax amount. Romney shelters money offshore to evade paying his full taxes that is perfectly okay? Talk about hypocrisy. Maybe it is legal but that doesn't make it right. And are there some years when he paid no income tax at all? Also a blind trust is not an excuse. Romney is ultimately responsible.

Romney is the king of out-sourcing. He may say that he wasn't at Bain Capital when that stuff was going on but actual records prove that that is simply not true. Even while he was working with the Olympics he went back and forth to Bain to chair meetings which puts him as CEO in charge during the times that many businesses were being ushered off-shore by Bail Capital. Again he is out-and-out lying.

Romney is not worthy of our vote for president.

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