Low water makes for longer Race to the Dome

More than 80 boats participate

Friends Andy Neidert and Clint Barnett, both of Jefferson City, are the first canoe to pull in to the Noren Access on the Missouri River during 2012's third annual Race to the Dome.
Friends Andy Neidert and Clint Barnett, both of Jefferson City, are the first canoe to pull in to the Noren Access on the Missouri River during 2012's third annual Race to the Dome.

Silky sand, splashing waves, a consistent breeze and plenty of shade made the Noren Access a nearly perfect location Saturday morning for recreation, preparation and competition.

Tuck VanDyne brought her grandchildren out to watch the third annual Race to the Dome canoe/kayak event.

With water levels slowing the current to about half of the same speed as last fall's race, the time to travel to the end from either of the starts at the Providence access or Hartsburg access was longer.

Further back from the shore, Joan Gummels had her camera ready to take photos of the rowers as they arrived at the Capitol access.

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