Your Opinion: Response to Boldt on afterlife

Dear Editor:

Boy am I glad I read Bob Boldt's letter in the Feb. 16 newspaper! I was having sleepless nights worrying about "where in the world is Christopher Hitchens."

After reading that a "medium" has reported that they have contacted Chris's spirit and they asserted definitively that "there is no God and there is no afterlife" I wonder where was his spirit anyway? Was this spirit floating around in the ionosphere? If so, how long is this spirit going to float around out there somewhere, does it have a job or is it subsisting on the spirit of the government like most of the Obamabots, where is its final destination, and does it have to put up with idiot spirits?

You see there are many more questions that a person has now that we are assured by Boldt that this medium has contacted Chris's spirit. Remember people, this is the same Boldt that several months ago said that he didn't think it irrational to believe that "by the end of this century the earth's atmosphere would be hot enough to melt lead," a temperature of 621 degrees F.

I guess that Chris's spirit is assisting all the other spirits out there to develop some super good air conditioning systems for the ionosphere so that by the end of this century the spirit world will be cool!

The problem with Boldt and his ilk is they really believe that the WWF is real, politicians tell the truth (Democrats do Republicans don't), ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN are actually unbiased, and there are "mediums" that can contact the dead. Since according to Chris's spirit there is no God, I guess we can do whatever we want in this life since there isn't any of that "judgment" stuff after we die! Now I find out after I'm 70 years old. I could have been having so much fun!

If people really believe that rather than what the KJV Bible teaches, they are truly doomed to spend their existence for eternity in the Lake of Fire.

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