Your Opinion: Business plan weights risk, reward

Dear Editor:

I read with interest the article from newly installed Jefferson City Chamber Chairman Bob Scruggs, in the News Tribune's January edition of the "Chamber Today" entitled "Its time to turn up the heat ..." If you have not read the piece I would suggest you go online and soak up the descriptive analogy of why we should take the advice of this long time Jefferson City business owner and local employer and support Transformation on Feb. 7.

As a member of an action team and the Steering Committee I can attest to the long and arduous process we went through this past year to get to this point. Action team members held meeting after meeting to discuss worthy projects, weigh the benefits, discuss their merits and research their cost and viability. Numerous discussions were held and votes were taken that in the end produced the 30 projects that have openly been laid out and presented to you the voting public over the past several weeks.

I believe the main focus of Mr. Scruggs article asks the age-old question of "If not now, when." Many a successful business was created during a recession by determined entrepreneurs to end a recession. In doing so they had to create a business plan that when presented to potential investors would show a measure of success and return a profit to the investors in order for them to agree to monetarily back the venture.

With all new ventures there are risks but without risks there are no rewards. We as a community can either continue to participate in the current recession or we can choose not to participate and move this community forward like no other community has done in the past. The action teams and steering committee have put forth the best business plan possible to ensure the Transformation projects success. Our goal from day one was to return to you our investor's future employment and business growth sustainable by Transformation projects.

With your yes vote in support of Transformation Feb. 7 you will become a stockholder in our future.

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