Your Opinion: Broad federal gun laws needed

Dear Editor:

We need broad federal gun laws otherwise guns can be bought in one state and taken across state lines and background checks for private sales especially on handguns.

Assault weapons, pistols and high capacity magazines should be banned and a buy back program to get those already out there. These guns are for war, killing and killing fast. Guns kill people when people pull the triggers.

Teachers packing guns, gun lobby solutions - that's crazy - a magic bullet to kill the bad guy. Some have had bullet proof vests and are heavily armed. Yes let's have a shoot out in schools.

The gun lobbyists are crazy. Let's push Congress and the president. Now to get something done.

Australia did it in 1996 after the Port Arthur mass shooting - 35 dead. They banned assault weapons and there hasn't been another mass shooting in 15 years. I heard this on Democracy Now this morning.

The mother of the Newtown, Conn. mass shooter had guns, lots of guns. Now she is dead.

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