Your Opinion: Complaint grossly in error about carols

Dear Editor:

A response to Jessica Lako:

Definition of caroling: The activity of singing joyful songs or praise of devotion, especially in honor of the Nativity, i.e. the birth of Jesus.

Apparently Jessica Lako lost her dictionary and tolerance before attending the angst-causing event. What kind of music did she want played during Capitol Caroling? Perhaps something that glorifies violence, cop killing, rape, and theft? Maybe Jessica desired a few Buddhist chants, Wiccan whatever, or satanic verse recitations? Country, punk, and heavy metal are all alternative music styles if the event was something other than Capitol Caroling.

There are public schools around the country that use tax payer money to worship Obama but I'll bet that isn't a problem for the separation of church and state herd. The US Constitution merely states that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ...; your belief that such language precludes any Christian songs at a Capitol Caroling event is grossly in error.

By the way, people will always find something to worship. Atheists worship themselves because they believe they are smarter than Christians or any people with formal religious beliefs.

True atheists should be simply amused if they had to play/sing music of a religious nature so please spare all of us your false concern that an atheist might be traumatized.

In this particular instance I like the way my tax dollars were spent. Why do you believe your tax dollars trump my tax dollars? Irrational and emotional liberal opinions never seem to have rational and logical reasons to back up their sad little beliefs. Cry on your own time, not on mine!

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