Your Opinion: Stress learning, not indoctrination

Dear Editor:

Why I choose to home school.

Public schools have for some time spent much more time on political indoctrination than on learning. There is a huge emphasis on things such as global warming, social issues evolution and sports. While these things may have some place in education they should be minimized, if mentioned at all! I feel it is my job to lead my children in the direction I believe is best for them. I send them to school to learn about proven sciences and, most important of all, history.

I asked my fifth grader who Nathan Hale was, Andrew Jackson, Winston Churchill, on and on, all I got was blank looks and the occasional "I've heard of him." I then asked who Martin Luther King Jr. was, and Harriet Tubman, Dred Scott etc. Oh, my we knew all about those folks.

While I agree black history is good to know, the lack of knowledge about anything else in history is appalling! My children's' school never mention that November is Native American month. Shouldn't that be important to learn about?

I heard a reporter interview 20-somethings at an occupy protest, what form of government they thought would be best to replace capitalism. He suggested socialism and communism and they approved! He asked them if those forms of government had ever been tried before and they were pretty sure they hadn't. If our children aren't educated they will never know the mistakes that have devastated the past!

It is a sobering thought!

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