Youths' interest in gardening can sprout with new plants

Most parents would love for their children to eat their vegetables and to spend less time in front of the TV or computer.

While these might seem like lofty goals for many moms and dads, the solution could be as close as your backyard. April is National Garden Month, and local experts say teaching young people about gardening can reap many benefits.

"If you can get them actively involved, gardening can be a form of exercise," said James Quinn, regional horticulture specialist for Cole County. "It gets them outside and enjoying the fresh air, which is good in this age of too many electronic toys."

"Gardening is a lot of fun for kids because it gives them an opportunity to see where their food comes from," said Hy-Vee dietitian Lindsey Koelling. "If they are growing the vegetables, they are more likely to eat them. It also gets them outside and can be a great family activity."

Koelling has developed a Hy-Vee summer camp for kids that includes gardening activities such as ....

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