Are your cabinets filled with the "dirty dozen?'

YMCA now offers assistance with pantry assessments and makeovers

Amy Mason studies the ingredients list on a carton of Goldfish crackers. Generally, the shorter the list of ingredients, the better a product likely is for you.
Amy Mason studies the ingredients list on a carton of Goldfish crackers. Generally, the shorter the list of ingredients, the better a product likely is for you.

What is in your pantry? A mix of the occasional treat foods, and the healthy staples? Are you sure?

Rachelle Howell and her family were surprised to learn that some of the foods they suspected to be healthy were really not as good for them as they thought or as the marketing or packaging led them to believe.

Amy Mason, assistant health and fitness director for the YMCA in Jefferson City, now offers pantry assessments and makeovers as part of the Dr. Sears LEAN program, that the organization is now using for nutritional classes and more. LEAN stands for lifestyle, exercise, attitude and nutrition.

Mason said that most members will have attended LEAN classes offered at the YMCA, before inviting her to do a pantry makeover. Howell has attended several of Mason's classes, and said she thought ....

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