Your Opinion: Oppose "Jobs for China Act'

Dear Editor:

The special session upcoming in the Missouri Legislature being advertised as a "Jobs for Missouri" program by Gov. Jay Nixon should be renamed the "Jobs for China Act."

This bill being sold uses $360 million of Missouri taxpayers money to subsidize a cargo hub at Lambert St. Louis exclusive to cargo planes from communist China. This "jobs" bill is touted as creating thousands of jobs, but like the president's green jobs, the few actually created cost taxpayers $350,000 per job.

Among the jobs created will be new warehouse space around St. Louis. Why new warehouse space? A quick check of empty warehouse available now shows St. Louis has nearly 3 million square feet of warehouses, nearly all paid for by individual companies and not taxpayer subsidy.

Another troubling part of Aerotropolis "Jobs for China" is that communist China will send in cargo planes uninspected by customs and those containers will be disbursed around St. Louis. I don't know about other people, but all my life we were told time again not to trust communists. The story about the Trojan Horse comes to mind. The communists could bring in an EMP device or communications jamming equipment. Right in the central U.S.A. Doesn't that alarm anyone?

Numerous reports of cyber attacks and hacking perpetrated by the Chinese military are documented. Do we really think we can trust the communists to be an equal trading partner? Or is there sinister intent behind using Missouri taxpayer funds to subsidize Chinese industry when we have the on shore capacity to create jobs for Americans, in America?

It is obvious this jobs bill has sinister design. Just the fact that the bill is over 350 pages of text that is being closely guarded from the general public indicates shenanigans and misdirection from the core basis of Aerotropolis.. Haven't we sent enough jobs to China? How about opening up the offering to American companies first. Not that using taxpayer money to pick and choose winners and losers is acceptable. But giving any money or favor to a communist China is reprehensible and no good will come. Ask any former soldier who has fought against communism.

It's time to call your state legislator and senator and tell them no to jobs for China.

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