City seeks to perform a parking balancing act

Other communities weigh in on solutions for resident and business parking

Jefferson City is looking to start an official downtown resident parking program to accommodate the needs of residents in the area, and it's not the only city that has struggled to find a balance between residents and businesses.

As the City Council reviews the proposed ordinance for the program, many members have said they have received calls from business owners who are dissatisfied with the proposal and are afraid it will negatively impact their businesses.

But what have other communities done to try to strike that near impossible balance between businesses and residents when it comes to parking needs?

Richard Sheets, deputy director of the Missouri Municipal League, said it's a problem that's becoming much more common in communities across the state.

"For a long time ... a lot of cities prohibited residents in downtown; that's really changing," Sheets said. "That is something that cities are certainly struggling with."

Sheets said cities across the state have found solutions through various parking requirements.

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