Your Opinion: Calling for action on jobs

Dear Editor:

Curiously, I was recently included in a teleconference conducted by Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler. Though I am sure that anyone who is familiar with my policy positions would be aware that I substantially disagree with Hartzler on any number of issues. I determined to stay on and listen to the questions and answers.

Unsurprisingly, most of the questions fit very neatly within the ideological stance of today's Republican Party. The first question expressed concerns about a Democratic conspiracy to take away our guns. There were the usual expressions of rage about the Affordable Care Act, illegal immigration, the EPA and foreign aid. I had hoped to ask a question and was placed in the queue to ask mine but somehow I never got the opportunity. Considering my frequent calls to Hartzler local office and her D.C. office, I guess the staff didn't really want Hartzler to hear anything approximating opposition to her carefully choreographed positions.

The most interesting portion was a poll taken with the participants inquiring what they considered most important. The choices of course for the most part fit neatly within Congresswoman Hartzler's policy-world. They were continuing the effort to cut our way out of our situation, addressing the prospect of lowering taxes, jobs and the economy and social issues. Of those responding 38 percent thought continued cuts were primary; 18 percent were focused on social issues such as gay rights and abortion and 14 percent thought taxes were the problem. Interestingly only 30 percent selected jobs and the economy.

What struck me is that, though jobs and the economy received 30 percent; effectively 70 percent of Republicans in the poll thought taxes, budget cuts and social issues were more important.

Essentially, this 70 percent fail to understand that improving jobs and the economy would effectively and substantially correct the problems with budget shortfalls and tax revenue. This is what I fail to understand about the opposition to the American Jobs Act.

We have 4,000 plus bridges in Missouri rated deficient or obsolete and their status will not improve until they are addressed. I am sorry but bridges and highways don't fix themselves miraculously. Here is a program that would perform a necessary function, is paid for and would put an estimated 1.9 million back to work and Republicans such as Harzler think that is a waste of time and effort.

And I thought these individuals campaigned to address the issue of jobs.

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