The Rev. David Avery finds faith around the community

The Rev. David Avery has been pastor of Community Christian Church for 13 years.
The Rev. David Avery has been pastor of Community Christian Church for 13 years.

Words, missions, compassion and cooperation - those are the driving forces in the Rev. David Avery's life.

A U.S. Navy veteran and former journalist, Avery has been the pastor at Community Christian Church for 13 years.

He enjoys the opportunities at his church to minister not only to his congregation but the community through missions and as a volunteer chaplain at Capital Region Medical Center.

But Avery reaches even further, to find unifying efforts where fellow Christian denominations can work alongside one another, such as Sunday's Thanksgiving Community Service hosted by the Christian Ministerial Fellowship.

And he respects the significance faith plays in the lives of those of other religions, as Avery has sought to find mutually-concerning issues within the Capital Area Interfaith Alliance, too.

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