Your Opinion: A republic, not a democracy

Dear Editor:

It is unfortunate that I must correct someone regarding the use - or, in this case, mis-use - of the term democracy to describe our system of government.

These United States of America is a republic. Republic and democracy are not synonymous terms. In fact, they are diametrically opposite. Democracy is everyone deciding everything. No elected officials. You really want to know what democracy is? Read about the French Revolution or, you remember what the union people said about the demonstrations in Wisconsin? "This is what democracy looks like.'

Personally, I don't want mob rule. Even the pledge of allegiance states that we are a republic. Remember? Jefferson would not be happy that someone thought he believed in democracy; he did not. You will not find the term democracy anywhere in the constitution. The only democratic process we actually have is when we vote for our representatives in the government.

Our system maybe broken in places, warped in others, but I believe that overall our representative form of government does work.

Long live the Republic!

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