Your Opinion: Blind adherence to liberal agenda

Dear Editor:

Between weather balloon and satellite measurements over many decades, the global warming model of CO2-caused global warming doesn't exist; consequently, the precious IPCC pseudo-scientists, funded solely by government, started manipulating data rather than discard their flawed theory. IPCC e-mails clearly show they knew CO2-caused global warming hasn't happened, they don't know why, but are desperate for CO2 warming to be true. IPCC scientists then manipulated and obscured data, which means they are liars and deceivers not objective scientists.

In science, empirical evidence always trumps theory, no matter the personal enslavement to a theory. If theory and evidence disagree, real scientists scrap the theory. Scientists with or without PhDs that ignore basic science principles and lie are no longer scientists. Fraudulent IPCC scientists fed governments falsified data to justify punitive carbon fuel taxes. Redistribution of the resulting tax wealth and control of worldwide energy use can lead to a world government. Just research Al Gore to find out the end game of our Socialist political class, so much for his allegiance to the USA.

No matter what higher education degree one pursues if one doesn't learn general scientific principles in addition to rational and critical thinking any degree obtained merely shows the world one is a high-class technician. Without intellectual honesty, a degree is meaningless especially if a person sells one's soul to obtain the Socialist world. People without college degrees can easily identify the IPCC lies but Socialist blinders easily lead collegeeducated liberals towards fantasy rather than reality because the end justifies the means.

Blind adherence to supposed experts that have a liberal agenda has caused most of America's problems to date. I strongly recommend everybody, especially liberals, read Thomas Sowell's book, "Knowledge and Decisions" if you want to think for yourself instead of being a Socialist village idiot.

The alcohol rage is a clear example of carbon fear. Just as many carbon atoms will be combusted into CO2 as from the hydrocarbon fuel the alcohol is supposed to replace. Also, the diversion of food into fuel is drastically increasing domestic and international food prices. Food riots and resulting deaths are just another inconsequential cost to achieve the Socialist utopia.

We will need plentiful and inexpensive fossil fuels for decades to come. Punitive taxation of fossil fuels to solve a nonexistent problem is just plain stupid, i.e. Socialist.

Denying reality is just plain liberal.

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