Sales tax receipts slightly improving

Depending on your viewpoint, Jefferson City's economy still is limping along -- or showing signs of recovery.

City Finance Director Steve Schlueter told the City Council's finance committee Thursday morning that the one-cent sales tax is "up $99,000 for the month, but still down about $474,000 for the year. And we're still better than we were last year."

Sales taxes provide city officials with revenues for several different, specific departments and projects. The comparisons generally are made between actual receipts and the estimates included in the budget approved by the council.

In his report delivered to the committee's members Thursday, Schlueter showed the half-cent capital improvements tax -- which voters are being asked to renew for another five years at the Aug. 2 special election -- as being $220,353 behind the budgeted forecast, although receipts were up $52,255 in July from June.

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