Your Opinion: Will of voters under attack

Dear Editor:

In comment to the changes regarding puppy mill regulations, a bill that was taken to the people and voted on by the people. I must say that I am appalled and sickened by the actions of our local and state representatives.

Apparently the democratic freedoms that our ancestors fought to obtain and died for are nothing in the eyes of Missouri's elected government representatives. If we allow these changes to take place after the voice of the people has spoken, with 51 percent in favor of the bill, and a "the people spoke but they really don't know what they want so we're just going to void their decision and do what we want anyway" attitude to be born, then what's next?

Our right to vote is being taken from us and to tell you the truth it scares me to see it! How far will they go next time. Look at what is going on in Egypt right now and what those citizens are fighting for. We've been there, our ancestors gave life and blood to establish our rights and one of them is the right to vote. I don't live in Egypt or any other dictatorship, I live in America.

Did Missouri secede from the Union and establish a government that suppresses the voice and rights of its people and I not hear about it? Fifty-one percent of Missourians voted in favor of the original bill and regardless if one disagrees with the bill, they should support and defend the democratic process of our free America.

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