Your Opinion: Answer to "leftist response'

Dear Editor:

At the risk of a total waste of time, I will respond to Mr. Smith's rant published on Feb. 13. His response is the classic leftist response to anyone who has an opinion that opposes the elimination of Christian principals as our country's foundation.

Because the left seemingly has no foundation for morality, their only defense is distortion of opposing arguments, personal attacks, insertion of irrelevant information and whatever else they can think of to win. Oh yes, they will always use the freedom word to cleanse their argument when in fact the only freedom they really care about is their freedom to attack and control others beliefs, privacy and ownership.

Being a 1957 graduate of JCJC (now JCHS) and an ignorant inmate of a "Christian Taliban" institution, as Mr. Smith thinks I am, I now look back and wonder how it could have been in Mr. Smith's world of education as in some schools. I cannot believe it a utopia with being able to greet guards in the morning, being on camera just like a celebrity, getting a trip to the police station because I carried a pocket knife (which I always did), getting out of school on suspension because I wrote a report that the teacher didn't like or brought a bottle of cold medicine with me that day.

Wouldn't it be great rather that having to learn such things as English, math and science and how to use your hands to make things and take real tests that you could actually flunk if you didn't know the stuff? And just think, I wouldn't have had to sit through prayers at graduation or the pledge of allegiance or any of that boring indoctrinating stuff.

Believe me, I had some great teachers that never once crammed any Christianity down my throat as Mr. Smith has been programmed to believe it would be and I do believe that the majority, if not all my teachers, were Christians. I wouldn't trade my education in Jefferson City for anything and I shudder to think how I would deal with it if I had to do it over today knowing that there can be no Christian foundational environment.

I agree with Mr. Smith's solution of private schools. I just don't understand if he loves freedom so much then why must we as taxpayers pay for someone else's education? I almost forgot, "the common good."

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