Your Opinion: Response to Horstmann #1

Dear Editor:

As Mr. Horstmann and I continue, I am amazed to recall this discussion was premised on our need to reduce the rhetoric and specific appeals to violence in political discussion. There is the additional surprise in the perceived irrelevance of phrases such as common good and practical solutions. The concepts are generally accepted but Mr. Horstmann seems intent upon diminishing their value in the conversation.

Those concepts are the point. Debate the substance of how we resolve problems and present facts to sustain the point!

Rather Mr. Horstmann is convinced that the proper response diminishes these essential concepts as tricks, challenges my statements as attempts to "deflect and confuse" while not citing specifics, continually reduces the solution of our problems to our failure to follow God's law, lumps "liberal" and "socialist/Marxist agenda" together in the second sentence, iterates the old conservative Limbaugh-Beck-Palin propaganda that "the liberal Democratic Party has become the party of government replacement of God ..." and closes combining God's law, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Just combining words does not ensure logic or accuracy.

As for liberals/progressives being the bane and curse of God's earth, sir, liberals are why the Missouri River isn't a toxic cesspool as likely to produce stillborn babies as cancers. Liberals are the reason your children and/or grandchildren, should you be blessed, aren't working in sweatshops at the age of 12 or 13. Liberals are the reason your child or grandchild has the right at 18 to determine the political leaders that will determine whether to send him or her to war.

Liberals are the reason most of us make a decent wage. Liberals are the reason we do not totally ignore the aged and poor. Liberals are the reason we have preserved Yosemite, Grand Canyon, Yellowstone and so many more natural jewels. These are facts. If that is deflection and confusion, sir, you are more interested in labeling someone than in understanding the substantive issues and realities involved in any issue. Liberals are capable of mistakes, definitely! God's curse, not even close!

My relationship with God is personally close! God's law rests on some very simple precepts. Redemption and love are key. It is my responsibility to share that as I go through my life. I live on the premise of praying like everything depends on God and working like everything depends on me. Yes, liberals pray too. Isn't that something?

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