Officials face several issues after taking office

The dust has settled, Jefferson City's elected officials have all been sworn in, and now it is time to get down to the business of running the city.

But the question that remains is where to start.

For Mayor Eric Struemph, that is a question he has already started to try and answer. He said that although he has plenty to keep him busy, the city's budget is taking forefront.

"The main thing we will be looking at, literally next week, I am sitting down with our city administrator and our finance director Monday," Struemph said. "We've already had some discussions this week, just hours after being sworn in on the budget. And it is not just the operating budget as much as it is the current sales tax."

Struemph said that the biggest challenge is trying to figure out how to ensure that all of the projects promised with Sales Tax E are accomplished while still taking on some of the larger projects in which the city is involved.

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